Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Mighty Troupe of Actors- Mrs Wooley's Thoughts

We will begin our final leg of our journey tomorrow morning at 6:30 a.m. so that we can arrive before noon back on LAMB soil.   I have been very pleased with the progress of this mighty troupe of actors....not only onstage, but offstage as well.   It should be a comfort to all the parents that their child represented their families and their hometown extremely well.  All four were extremely personable with the organizers of the various venues, completed the continuous tasks of setting up and striking with perseverance and humor and were always respectful of their driver/director.   It was encouraging to see how they managed their time and their finances along the way.   There are so many lessons to learn while touring and this troupe learned them well.   As challenging as it is to be in such close quarters for an extended period of time, it is just as challenging to fill one's time when no one else is available or willing to join you in an activity.  Prior to each performance, we would completely run through the show and work on different elements. This workout would last about 90 minutes even though the show itself is 45 minutes!    Every one of the actors grew along the way and the show really took a really cool shape.   The script is rather scattered, but we were able to create a pretty solid through line by the end of our run.   We will be able to perform this show at least one more time for the kids at Camp Imagination in June. We might try to get a performance at the theatre as well.   I think it would be fun for everyone to see how much the show has developed.    We had an organizer in Williston, North Dakota who was a theatre major years ago.   I hadn't realized that he was watching us rehearse.   We would stop and work...change things...."rinse and repeat" until we achieved whatever alteration/improvement we were focusing on.  Some of it got pretty exacting.  He told me after the show that he loved watching the rehearsal as much or even more than the show.   He was amazed at how willing each of the kids were to my requests and how they totally threw themselves into whatever I had asked--no questions asked.  He had never seen such complete trust and respect from kids this age...or any age.   He said that it was like watching an advanced acting class where the students could immediately put their new techniques into practice with a live audience.  He was amazed at their ability and skill level.   That was just one of many, many compliments we received throughout our tour.    An older couple from Dickinson came up to me after the show on Tuesday and said that they couldn't believe how poised, talented and enthusiastic each of the actors were. They had seen many theatre productions around the country and said that this little show totally enthralled them....and this was the performance where the stage fell down!!!!   It was funny.   The kids said after the show when they were signing autographs that not one person mentioned the falling stage or that the actors had to move to the floor below....they remarked at how much they enjoyed the show--nothing about the "calamity".   
Needless to say, I am so proud of Caravan Five.   They performed and behaved beautifully and brought joy to a lot of people along the way.   
Now to sleep....perhaps to dream...... Mrs. Wooley

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