Sunday, May 6, 2012

Saturday and the Caravan Crew

Hello, this is Josie, and I will be giving you a recap of what happened today! We got to sleep in because we didn't have to leave until 12:30, but of course, the guys had to wake me and Grace up at 8:30 because Ben needed a rubber band. So we got ready and packed up everything. Before we left Aberdeen, we stopped and Wendy's to eat lunch and then we stopped at a gas station/grocery strore where Grace bought goldfish, but she didn't know how to use her visa card so the lady told her that she would learn her how to do it. (yes" learn her how to do it") Then we started heading out to Bismarck, North Dakota. Along the way we played more Catch Phrase (the best game in the world) and we had some really funny things happen while playing like "it rhymes with merbel"-Grace and "To stir fry love"- also from Grace and "mildly hot beans"-Ben. I guess you just had to be there. We got to Bismarck and saw Dr. Mershmallow's cousin-a big overgrown white blob in the field and went to the place where we would be performing. We set up and ran the show. Before the show started, we had some interesting conversations backstage! The actual performance went super well, definely the best one yet. We performed in front of about 200 people. We signed more autographs and then we tore down the set in 7 minutes!! We left and went to our hotel called the Expressway Inn. (We will be staying here for 4 days) On the way there we named our new GPS Harry and we tried to sing Crazy Train but it failed. We checked in and dropped our stuff off and then went to T.G.I. Fridays for dinner and had some great food! We also discovered that Duncan is dating a dog. (inside joke) After dinner we came back to the hotel just in time to see the beginning of Saturday Night Live. And that was our day!! Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
From your friend with a curly-q mustache, 
P.S. Yesterday a little boy told me he loved me! He was the cutest kid EVER!!!!

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